Tatsuo Sunaga's Jazz Allnighters

Fans of rare and Japanese jazz are surely familiar with DJ/producer Tatsuo Sunaga's supremely cool Jazz Allnighters compilation series (須永辰緒の夜ジャズ, Sunaga Tatsuo No Yoru Jazz). But in his latest effort All The Young Dudes, Sunaga has chosen to focus strictly on the music of younger, modern Japanese talent — a clear break from the eclectic, international character of the original Jazz Allnighters titles. Slated in Japan for an April 28th release, this series spinoff features contemporary artists such as Ego-Wrappin' and Soil & "Pimp" Sessions, as well as Sunaga's own group Sunaga T Experience.
However, seeing as this is a Shōwa-focused blog, we'd like to share a handful of our favorite recordings taken from previous entries in the series.
Sunaga's thoughtful selections create a vivid image of the smoky, dimly-lit jazz cafes (ジャズ喫茶, jazz kissa) one might hope to find scattered throughout the back alleys of Japan's bustling urban centers. From sexy to swinging, halcyon to heartbroken, the sounds contained on each disc are no doubt representative of the spirit and tenor of just such an establishment — a place where patrons might grab a drink, snap a finger or two and dance the night away.
Terumasa Hino - La Macarena
日野皓正 - ラ・マカレーナ
From Jazz Allnighters Volume 3
Originally released on the album Mas Que Nada (1975)
Nobuo Hara & Sharps And Flats - Sōran Bushi
原信夫 & シャープス アンド フラッツ - ソーラン節
From Jazz Allnighters Volume 5
Originally released on the album Sharps And Flats In Newport (1967)
Chiemi Eri - Istanbul Mambo
江利チエミ - イスタンブール・マンボ
From Jazz Allnighters Volume 8
Originally released on the single Uramachi No Otenba Musume (1956)
Mari Nakamoto - Englishman In New York
中本マリ - イングリッシュマン・イン・ニューヨーク
From Jazz Allnighters Volume 6
Originally released on the album New Swing Street (1988)
Fumio Itabashi - Watarase
板橋文夫 - 渡良瀬
From Jazz Allnighters Volume 5
Originally released on the album Watarase (1982)
Labels: Chiemi Eri, Fumio Itabashi, Mari Nakamoto, MP3, Nobuo Hara, Tatsuo Sunaga, Terumasa Hino
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